Who We Are

Mission Statement:
Bellevue UKE’sters is a fast growing and evolving group of Ukulele players, whose abilities range from beginner to advanced. New members are always welcome as long as we have space. Our purpose is for all members to have a fun-filled musical experience, make friends, increase proficiency on the ukulele and have opportunities to participate in community performances.

When and where we meet:
We meet every Wednesday afternoon in Bellevue. All are welcome to join us. We are currently meeting at Silver Glenn, 1750 152nd Ave NE Bellevue on Wednesday afternoon from 1:00 to 2:30. During the summer we have several outdoor venues we enjoy. Please CONTACT US or check our “Calendar” to be sure the location of the day. Also, see Uke Groups for information about other Ukulele groups in the Seattle area.

You can find our Song Books here, or purchase printed and bound copies at one of our meetings. You can also download it in an electronic form or print it out from our site.